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You made a bold decision of writing a protagonist with dubious past, but you added a lot of choices to the gameplay, making it a fun, shapeable novella! Please don't let the criticism from other comments discourage you from making games in the future - all jams are a learning experience, and we all learn through them! 

Right, this is going to be mean and I'm sorry about that. My issues with the game are based solely on the narrative:


- my protagonist propelled themselves into the ward 3 times over, not 2 times over. Considering that the choice there is "touch the ward" or "break through the ward", it is really really dumb for us to do 2 X of "touch the ward" before breaking through it. 

- my protagonist then did not think that it was wise to heal, so you have this experienced vampire fumbling through the facility 1 hit away from death, this is fixed after the first fight, but by no logic should that ever happen.

- G-Pain witnesses me getting hit by the ward, is told that there is a ward and then asks why I'm  not helping them with the button, to which my character apologizes. It is like both of them entirely forgot the ward and none are smart enough to remember that the other one is acting dumb. 


- biggest issue for me - without a fail every single person in the whole facility can be seduced. Now a tumble does not take them out of commission, so I have to assume that they are just standing there like this is entirely normal - "the prisoner is escaping, but they just did the naughty with me, so all is good". This is made even worse at the lab where G-Pain and you are discussing the fate of the contents of the lab and the person whose whole life is focused on that lab only tries to half-heartedly stop you by going "hey, maybe don't do this thing to my whole life's work" and can be shut down by the glare of the main protagonist, because, you guessed it, we did the naughty with them. 

- keeping in mind that everyone can be seduced and we have corrosive vitae, leaving the facility is the easiest thing ever. Spray blood on the nearest door, do the naughty with the guards and you're good! They won't even care! 

- Salubri have a bloodhunt on them, there would be no reason to pin anything on anyone in order to get rid of one. 

Overall, you tried! It works! You wrote a thing! That's good! But the game is really not challenging when you realize that you can hanky panky your way through it.


Thanks for playing and reviewing! I agree the seduction paths were too easy but couldn’t figure out a good way to fix them in time. The things you mentioned with the ward sound like a bug; certainly not something intentional or that I was aware of when the game was published.

I liked your game. The red line story didn't really fit with the green line then, after killing the mortals, but it was still interesting enough to keep reading. 
Some parts were a bit rushed and I would have liked it when the past stories were written in another color or italic or something to make it clearer. But nevertheless it was an entertaining novel. 

Thanks for playing my game and providing feedback. This was my first time making a game and getting it done by the end of the jam was a real challenge so I’m glad you were able to enjoy it in spite of its flaws!

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...Ok, I know you said it's not canon, but this is so incredibly far removed from canon that I didn't even know I was captive until several pages in. Sure, someone who knows literally zero about WoD may immediately assume I'm a vampire's captive on the first page. Me? No, I assumed that was my sire, not a blood hunter. Gotta give people background info. They can't make coherent choices otherwise.

Also, absolutely do not fucking ever tell someone they're playing a serial killer after making personality choices. Ever.


you need to take a step back and chill out. 


Blocked. You are fully aware that telling anyone to chill out will anger them even more. If you somehow weren't aware of that... well now you are.

(1 edit) (+4)

If someone gets angry because they were told to chill out, it's because their own rational reason is being been blocked or they are incredibly over sensitive. Also telling someone they should know something about a person they have never met is extremely assumptive and you know what they say about assuming. :)

(1 edit) (-6)

Or it's because they are normal humans and that is a normal human reaction that all normal humans have.

If that doesn't make you furious, you probably have a mental health condition that affects the way you experience emotions.


People experience emotions differently what doesn't mean that they all have a mental health condition. The negativ points on your comments should tell you that there are more people who think like JoDi as are who think like you. So maybe you should overthink your behavior.

Your original post was mean and aggressive right from the start, without even trying to say something nice about the game or giving constructive criticism and your comments are the same. That you didn't realize the protagonist is in captive doesn't mean the story is all bad. And I also don't know what this has to do with being canon or being not canon. It's just a little mystery at the beginning. Some people find that entertaining. If you dont like that, its your problem, not the developers. Sure the game and writing has it flaws. But you could said it nicer, it is just a short and free game jam game.
No surprise that someone said to chill.